In the autumn of 2021, the Museum of Policing in Devon and Cornwall launched its new membership scheme for all to join.
Here at the museum, we’ve had a busy summer behind the scenes working towards the launch.
Members of the museum will be able to access exclusive content, talks, exhibitions and more. The support provided by members will enable us to continue collecting, preserving, and celebrating the history of policing in Devon and Cornwall.
Members will receive:
- Member exclusive monthly newsletters.
- Discounted research services – 10 per cent discount on up to fivm research enquiries per year.
- Exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content – discover the work of our volunteers, interviews with our team, and learn from experts in the field.
- Free entry to lectures from experts on a huge range of topics surrounding policing heritage and the social history of Devon and Cornwall.
- Priority booking for the year’s events, including tours of the collection (virtual or in-person, as allows), roaming exhibitions, talks, workshops, and more.
Along with the launch of our new Membership scheme, we’ve also got an exciting events programme taking place over the Autumn and Spring, and Members get free entry to the September to December 2021 talks.
We’re looking forward to welcoming our first guest speaker and newly elected Chair of Trustees, Steve Pearce. Steve has had a long career in the police and retired as an Assistant Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police at the end of 2003. His talk is titled 50 Years of Policing in Devon and Cornwall: A Personal View which will take place on 14th September 2021 at 5:30pm via Zoom. The event will consist of a 30 min talk, followed by a 30min Q&A. Members can book their free place by RSVPing to Lisa Berry-Waite via email at
Non-Member tickets are available for Steve’s talk, and can be purchased for £5.50.

As many members have transferred their Membership from the Friends of the South West Police Heritage Trust to the Museum, we’d like to say a special thank you for their continued support. The Museum would not be where it is today without the Friends.
Interested in becoming a member and supporting the museum? Sign up to join here.