At the end of August, Museum of Policing in Devon and Cornwall trustees and staff met at the University of Plymouth for the museum’s by-monthly board meeting, followed by the AGM.
This was the first time we’ve all met in-person since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, so it was great for everyone to catch up properly. It was also the first time everyone met some of the newer trustees, including Martin Laver, Richard Blair and Maureen Alderson. Plus, the sun was shining in Plymouth!
The board meeting and AGM was John Casson’s last meeting as the museum’s Chair of Trustees. After two years in the role, John stepped down as Chair in August. Since John started the role in 2019, he has helped to transform the Museum of Policing in Devon and Cornwall, and we wish him all the best in the future.
Taking over from John as Chair is Steve Pearce who has been a trustee since 2019. Steve has had a long career in the police and retired as an Assistant Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police at the end of 2003. We hope you’ll join us in welcoming him as our new Chair.
The AGM also saw Maureen take over as Secretary from Bill Tupman. Bill plans to spend his time getting involved in the research side of the museum, and contributing to future exhibitions.
At the end of the meeting, Steve and Ulrike Richards presented John with an inscribed wine bottle stopper (John is a passionate collector of wine) and a novelty t-shirt.

Following the AGM, we had a delicious dinner at Rockfish in Plymouth, which is right by the harbour. The views from the restaurant were spectacular and the meal provided a much-needed chance for everyone to socialise – so much so that four of us almost missed our train home, and had to make a mad dash to the train station! Luckily everyone made their train!
While there are certainly benefits to having the Museum’s meetings on Zoom, it was great for trustees and staff to meet-in person and have a long-overdue catch up.